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This elective course was spread out over two semesters and focused on learning new techniques of rendering and modeling. First semester was more practical and based on sharpening our Revit and Photoshop skills. Second semester was more experimental in that we worked with modeling in Rhino and rendering in 3ds Max. To parallel this, in Revit we modeled furniture designed by someone else, while in Rhino we designed our own. It was a great learning experience to design off the wall furniture and experiment with bold colors and materials.


Through all of my education, I regard this skill set as most useful. Not only did I learn programs that are the future of Architecture and Interior Design but it provided me with the ability to accurately present my ideas.


The first chair shown is my own design created in Rhino. I titled it "Arctic Chair" based on the fact that I was influenced by the breaking apart of ice. It was featured on the IU Interior Design website.


Arctic Chair

Arctic Chair

After many iterations, this is the final model of my chair. I focused not only on aesthetics but also on technical detailing as well as ergonomics.

Rendered Arctic Chair

Rendered Arctic Chair

The final design for the chair is made out of a resin material. Here they are rendered using 3ds Max.

Rendered Room: View 1

Rendered Room: View 1

Learning the technicalities of rendering and modeling was tedious. To liven this project up I used non traditional materials and colors.

Rendered Room: View 2

Rendered Room: View 2

All of the furniture in the space was designed by me in Rhino and the room was built in Revit. Everything was then transported into 3ds Max and rendered.

Valentine Sofa by William Haines

Valentine Sofa by William Haines

The assignment was to model any sofa in Revit. I wanted to pick something that no one else would and challenge myself, so I chose this Haines design.

Rendered Valentine Sofa

Rendered Valentine Sofa

Here the sofa is inserted into a scene featuring other Haines furniture built by me in Revit.

​​2014. Caitlin Sherman. 

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